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My 6 Week Evaluation

My Freelancing Business at 6 Weeks Old I haven't written a post in a while not because I'm lazy, but because I simply have not had the time. These first six weeks have come and gone and I am a better writer from it! March 7, 2020, 6 weeks ago today I powered up my new desktop computer and put a plan in place that put money in my hand on the very first day! A Lot Has Changed To say that these past 6 weeks have seen a lot of change just may be the understatement of the year. Everybody's life has changed or been affected by the coronavirus. I was not immune. I used this new idea of social distancing to my advantage. And when the governor of my state issued a strict stay at home order I used that to my advantage as well. I was being told to stay home and that played right into my plan. My plan required that I stay home and do two things. Write and get clients. The pandemic just gave me and everybody else the opportunity to spend more time on the computer. ...

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